SLT - School Leadership Team
All meetings begin at 5:00 P.M. and will be in person until further notice. Meeting Attendance by Non-Members
Members of the PS/IS 49 School, staff and community, not currently sitting on the School Leadership Team, may sit in and observe a School Leadership Team Meeting. If an observer wishes to speak at the meeting, they should provide their question to the Chairperson prior to the start of the meeting they are attending. Observer may deliver their question or comment on what they heard during the meeting only after the Chairperson recognizes them to the group. The observers will be recognized to speak after the conclusion of “New Business Items” in Section 6-Order of Business. An observer may be asked to leave the meeting if any sensitive, personal or information deemed inappropriate for non-SLT members to hear regarding children or staff arises. Meetings will be held in accordance of guidelines established in the New York State Open Meetings Law.
2023 - 2024 SLT Members:
December 11th
January 22
February 12
March 18
May 13
June 10
Meeting Minutes
Monthly meeting minutes will be shared with the school community after they have been approved at the following month’s meeting.
How do I bring a concern to the SLT?
Any parent or guardian who wishes to have a concern brought to the SLT can email their concern to [email protected]