NYC Kids RISE Save for College Program

Dear Kindergarten and First Grade Parents, 

The NYC Kids RISE Save for College Program provides families, schools, and communities with a way to work together to save for their children’s futures. It’s a scholarship and savings program designed to make college and career training more accessible and achievable for all NYC public school students, starting in kindergarten—regardless of their family’s income or immigration status.

By providing upfront scholarships for every eligible student, tools and information for families to develop their own college and career savings plans, and a way for entire communities to invest in their children, the Save for College Program enables all of us to work together to build assets and support expectations of educational and economic success for every child.

Good news! 

All current kindergarten and first grade students will be automatically enrolled in the Save for College Program unless you choose not to participate and opt out. As long as you take NO ACTION during the Opt-out Process, your child will be automatically enrolled and receive a free NYC Scholarship Account.

Activate and View Your Child’s NYC Scholarship Account

Every student enrolled in the Save for College Program automatically receives an NYC Scholarship Account with an initial $100 from NYC Kids RISE, unless their family chooses not to participate by “opting-out.”

You can earn more funds for your child’s NYC Scholarship Account by taking additional steps, the first of which is activating and viewing the  account (Building Block 1). Activate and view your child’s NYC Scholarship Account now to earn a $25 reward:



Please go to

  1. After reading the Welcome statement, scroll down and click Activate Account.

  2. A small box will appear. Click Continue to open Savings Tracker.

  3. You will then see a Registration box. Enter your child's home ZIP code, date of birth, and nine-digit Student ID Number (OSIS Number), then click submit. If you do not have your child’s Student ID Number please let us know and we can provide it for you. 

  4. Now you will enter your name and email, and create a password.

  5. Read and accept the Terms of Use, then click Create User Profile.

  6. Once that's complete,  fill out the Introductory Survey. 

  7. Make sure to complete the Introductory Survey by hitting Submit to earn the first $25 reward, which will be allocated to your child's NYC Scholarship Account within about a week.

For more information regarding the NYC Kids RISE Save for College Program please visit

If you have any questions please email Ms. Agrinsoni at [email protected]